Hi There!

I'm Indra Adhwa

An Engineering Student

About Me

I was born and raised in Singapore. I am passionate about engineering, science, technology and space. Curiosity is in my blood. No matter where I am or what I do, there is always a voice in my head that is questioning why things are the way they are. As a result, I am currently pursuing an education in aerospace and mechanical engineering. I hope that one day I can be at the forefront of human advancement.

My curiosity about the things around me has led me to start my own blog page. At the start of 2021, I set out to create my website and blog page to share my experiences and the things I learn with others.

Human advancement is often overlooked by people my age. My aim is to raise awareness and share my excitement about the exciting projects, research and advancements that the brilliant minds across the globe have embarked on so that at the end of the day, we can all learn something new.

What I do during my free time


Over the years I have tried many things and picked up different hobbies. Most of them are sports. Growing up, the sports that I have enjoyed the most are sailing and cycling. Recently, I have just gotten into tennis.


Ever since I got my first bicycle in 2016, road cycling has become a hobby for me and can’t live without my weekly dose of adrenaline. Over the years, the equipment I use has become more and more expensive but as other cyclists say, “it is all part of cycling”. I am always looking for new people to cycle with. If you are interested, you can always contact me and we can cycle together.


From 2014 – 2016 i took on sailing as a co-curricular activity (CCA) in Secondary School. Initially, i didn’t think much about it but the sport has definitely grown on me during those years. Unfortunately, i could not continue this sport as my polytechnic does not have sailing as a CCA and it is too expensive for me to take sailing as a hobby.